Teen Depression is one of the considerable and serious health issue that causes a constant feeling of sadness and loss of interest and expertise in different activities. Depression is also known as sadness, unhappiness or sorrow. It affects the thinking and emotions of a teenager, which may also cause physical or health problems. Depression in teens can have serious consequences and requires a long term treatment. The depression or unhappiness in teens may have symptoms that includes; a change in previous attitude or behavior, issues at school or home in different social activities or other parts of life. Depression involves the emotional feelings such as; feeling sad, frustrated, angry, hopeless, empty, moody, loss of interest, low self-esteem, feeling worthless or guilty.

A lot of things are not going normal when a person is facing depression in his or her life. It can not be easy to tell the difference between ups and downs, when a person is in depression. The symptoms of depression won’t get better on their own, in fact they may get even more worse or bad with the passage of time. A person should not wait to get well on his own, because this may cause a huge harm to the mental and physical health. Visit a care taker or doctor as soon as possible, when an individual is going through or facing a serious depression in his life. A depressing person should share his concern with a doctor, a parent, a spiritual leader, a teacher, or someone he trusts the most.

It’s still not known what actually causes the depression, but there are a lot of different reasons behind depression. Some of the causes I’ve enlisted below:
1) Brain Chemistry
2) Hormonal Change
3) Traumatic events during childhood
4) Bad past experiences
5) Negative thinking
6) Negligence of family members.

There’s not a proper or easy way out to prevent depression. But still some schemes may help out to overcome the depression in young generation. These strategies include the following points:
1) Stress control
2) Earliest start of treatment
3) Maintain the treatment
4) Sharing thoughts
5) Reaching out for social support and friendship
6) Sorting out the trust issues.

Article by:
Fatima Chaudary